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The Gypsy Kid

Vibe Your Way to the Moon!

About Gypsy Kid

In the age of FOMO fueled tweets, Gypsykid emerges - the cryptocurrency that shuffles straight to the future! Inspired by the legendary Gypsy Kid who grooved his way to internet fame with his sick moves. Gypsykid lets you channel your inner party animal and potentially ride the rocket ship to financial freedom. Every transaction pumps good vibes through the blockchain, like a digital mosh pit of pure euphoria. It's time to ditch the fiat and trade your way to meme-fueled gains!


1 Billion

Total Supply

Gypsykid's total supply is capped at 1 billion tokens, ensuring scarcity and potentially increasing value over time.

100% LP

Liquidity Pool

100% of $GYPSY tokens are deposited into liquidity pools, fostering stability and promoting fair trading.

Equality for All!

Fair Launch

Everyone has a shot at groovin' into the project from the get-go. No shady presales or VC allocations here.

No Rug Pulls!

Locked Liquidity

$GYPSYs liquidity pool is locked, preventing anyone from pulling the rug and disappearing with your funds. This ensures trust and long-term stability.


Code Chilling on the Blockchain

Contract Renounced

The ownership of the contract has been renounced, meaning no one can tamper with the core functionalities of the token.


0% Tax

Transaction Tax

$GYPSY boasts a 0% transaction tax, allowing you to buy, sell, and trade VibeCoin without any additional fees. Hold onto your hats (or tie-dye headbands) for maximum groovin potential!





Get Groovy with $GYPSY in 3 Steps

Fuel up and Bridge

Make sure your crypto wallet has Eth, then bridge your ETH from ethereum network to base network using

Head to Uniswap

Visit Uniswap and connect your wallet with bridged ETH.

Unleash the vibes!

Swap your bridged ETH for GypsyCoin (GYPSY)! Select ETH as "From" and GYPSY as "To," enter the amount, and hit swap!


Will Gypsy Kid ever reach a billion-dollar market cap?

How many stars are there in our universe? Google the number and multiply it by 0. That's how many fucks the Gypsy Kid gives about anything, he just feelin' the vibe.

Could the community come together to create an epic tribute to the original dancing legend?

If we reach the meme-worthy status, we will launch a full-on internet excavation to track down the dancing legend himself. Imagine the possibilities!

Can we trust you?

Gypsy Kid is unbothered by trust or any other issues. go watch Netflix, what else do you need than everything being locked? Just get on board already, feel the vibe and don't stop.

Join The Club & Feel The Vibe

Ready to join the gypsy kid on the floor? Join our vibrant community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for memes, music, and moonshots. Connect with us on social media, participate in our meme contests, and spread the vibe to the far corners of the internet.